Book Review: The Girl in 6E by Alessandra Torre.

Posted May 8, 2013 by Erin in Book Reviews, Books / 0 Comments

This book may be unsuitable for people under 17 years of age due to its use of sexual content, drug and alcohol use, and/or violence.
Book Review: The Girl in 6E by Alessandra Torre.The Girl in 6E by Alessandra Torre
on April 15, 2013
Genres: Adult Fiction, Crime, Erotica, Mystery, Suspense
Pages: 182
Format: eBook
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I am, quite possibly, the most popular recluse ever. Not many shut-ins have a 200-member fan club, a bank account in the seven-figure range, and hundreds of men lining up to pay for undivided attention.I give them my attention - they give me money and secrets. The money I have grown used to. The secrets are getting harder to take.Then, with one chance encounter, everything changes and I have to decide: Keep the secrets and my safety? Or risk everything to save someone else?

Holy SHIT. This book is unlike ANYTHING I’VE EVER READ BEFORE. I didn’t know what the fuck was going on most of the time. The story is creative and unique, and the writing is impeccable. Usually I pick up on typos and misspellings when I’m reading but I did not notice ANY in this book.

The  is a dark story about a young 20 something year old girl named Deanna aka Jess. She has cut herself off from the outside world for the last 3 years to protect people from her homicidal thoughts. The only way she “connects” with humans is through the computer as a camgirl performing sexual acts for people at $6.99/minute. She’s one of the few American girls who do it so she has quite the following and makes some good money. Throughtout the book you get to experience the story from many other peoples’ POVs, which is a great way to mix things up. It had me continually trying to figure out who “RalphMA35” was as the story went along. The chapters were all quite short, which made it so the story didn’t drag out/ All in all, this book was a very interesting read and I would suggest reading it if you’re looking for something DIFFERENT and unlike what you have read before. It’s full of mystery, suspense and some crazy whacked out sexual fetishes! Very entertaining read!


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